



Polio can have manifested in a person in a large variety of ways, and we see many people in their 60’s and 70’s that are now suffering from post-polio-syndrome, which is a moderate relapse of the disease causing increased weakness in extremities which may have been weak to begin with.

Our experience has taught us that the best approach we can provide is one which re-creates the way a person has become used to walking. Introducing “improvements” to their gait often ends unsuccessfully. That is the reason that people who come in to our office with this condition are often wearing shoes that are 20 or 25 years old. The prospect of getting new footwear can conjure up nightmares from early childhood, and a visit to the shoemaker is often put off until the old shoes are falling off of their feet. Most are already wearing braces on the legs and if they aren’t, this is usually not the time to start.

$ Self-Help

  • Often a person is wearing two different sized ready-made shoes, and one may be altered with an elevation for a leg-length discrepancy. In this case, the shoes are usually brought to us and we do our best to modify them to function like their old shoes.

$$$ Pedorthist or Custom Shoe Maker

  • At times, a client will have had custom shoes made in the past and wants a new pair to duplicate the pair they have worn out. We may have to transfer the braces from an old pair of shoes to a new pair.

$$$$ Pedorthist, Orthotist or Custom Shoe Maker

  • In some situations, an individual will have worn braces, but now wants to try brace boots. Integrating the braces with the footwear will facilitate putting the footwear on and add a level of convenience.
